UNDP Mexico and Kip Tik: Empowering Women from Chiapas

UNDP Mexico and Kip Tik: Empowering Women from Chiapas

We are immensely proud to reflect on our participation in the“Impulso a la Resiliencia de Artesanas en Chiapas Digital X” project!

In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Mexico and Akojo Market, we had the privilege of contributing to a transformative initiative that empowered over 100 women in the Highlands of Chiapas. Through a series of workshops focused on socio-emotional skills, personal development, design, marketing processes, social economy, and digital literacy, these remarkable artisans have enhanced their skills and expanded their opportunities.

This project has not only fostered the professional growth of each participant, but also promoted resilience and empowerment in one of the country's most vibrant and culturally rich regions.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved for their dedication and hard work, and for making a lasting impact in the lives of these extraordinary women.

Visit the United Nations official website and follow UNDP Mexico on ther social media to know more.

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